LL.M. Reapplication Process

We welcome reapplicants and evaluate each person with our new applicant pool. Your first admission decision should not deter you from reapplying. In fact, additional years of work experience often strengthen your application. 

Please apply using the same LSAC number that you used in your original application for admission. This allows us to match your transcripts and other documents to your new application.

  • Complete the online application in the Application Portal.
  • Submit a new Personal Statement and updated résumé / curriculum vitae.
  • Submit a new Merit Aid statement, if applicable.
  • Submit two letters of recommendation. The submission of new or updated letters is encouraged. No more than two letters of recommendation will be accepted.
  • If you have completed any additional schooling since you originally applied, submit your updated or additional transcripts.
  • Pay the $85 application fee and CAS report fee for Columbia Law School.

The reapplication deadline is December 2.