Last updated March 21, 2024.
The following content is specific to Columbia Law School, except where noted. For Columbia University policies and procedures, please visit Columbia University Regulations and Policies.
Last updated March 21, 2024.
The following content is specific to Columbia Law School, except where noted. For Columbia University policies and procedures, please visit Columbia University Regulations and Policies.
Section 1: Course of Studies
1.1: Point Credit and Academic Course Requirements
1.2: Residence Credit
1.3: Moot Court Requirements
1.4: Legal Writing Requirements—Major and Minor Writing Requirement
1.5: Supervised Research or Experiential Study
1.6: Research as Unpaid Faculty Assistant
1.7: Seminars
1.8: Work Under Other Faculties of the University
1.9: Work in Other Law Schools
1.10: Pro Bono Service Requirement
1.11: Service as a Teaching Fellow
1.12: Second- and Third-Year Moot Court Activities
1.13: Faculty-Directed Reading Groups
Section 2: Examinations
2.1: Regular Examinations
2.2: Unexcused Absence From Examination
2.3: Excused Absence From Examination
Section 3: Letter Grades
3.1: Letter Grades
3.2: Academic Standing (Honors system in place through J.D. Class of 2024/LL.M. Class of 2022)
3.2: Academic Standing (Honors system in place beginning with J.D. Class of 2025/LL.M. Class of 2023)
3.3: Satisfactory Progress
3.4: Disclosure of Grades
Section 4: Degrees
4.1: University Action
4.2: Application for the Degree
4.3: Diplomas
Section 5: General Regulations
5.1: Students
5.2: Academic Discipline
5.3: Class Attendance and Preparation
5.4: Demeanor
5.5: Withdrawals and Leaves of Absence
5.6: Registration of Student Organizations
Section 6: Admission to the Bar
6.1: Rules Governing Admission to the Bar
Section 7: Supplement: Rules Regarding Written Work
Section 8: LL.M. Program Degree Requirements
8.1: Degree Requirements
Section 9: Degree Conferral Dates
9.1: Degree Conferral Dates
9.2: Postponement of Degree Conferral
9.3: Withdrawal and Leave of Absence
Section 10: Full-Time Residency Requirement and Points of Academic Credit Limits Per Term
10.1: Residency Requirement
10.2: Academic Credit Limits Per Term
10.3: Part-time Basis
Section 11: January Term (J-Term) Credit
11.1: January Term
Section 12: LL.M. Writing Project Requirement
12.1: LL.M. Writing Project Requirement
12.2: Examples of Written Work
12.3: Method to Complete the Requirement
12.4: Registering Your LL.M. Writing Project
Section 13: LL.M. Essay
13.1: LL.M. Essay
13.2: Requirements for the LL.M. Essay
13.3: Length of the LL.M. Essay
13.4: LL.M. Essay and the New York Bar Exam
13.5: Additional LL.M. Essay Information
Section 14: LL.M. Supervised Research
14.1: Supervised Research
14.2: Supervised Research or LL.M. Essay
14.3: Stages of Supervised Research
14.4: Supervised Research and the New York Bar Exam
14.5: Supervised Research: Course Related
Section 15: LL.M. Experiential Requirement
15.1: LL.M. Experiential Requirement
15.2: Options to Fulfill the Experiential Requirement
Section 16: LL.M. Research Assistant
16.1: Research Assistant
Section 17: LL.M. Teaching Fellow
17.1: Teaching Fellow
Section 18: LL.M. Grading and Academic Honors
18.1: Grading
18.2: Academic Honors
Section 19: Cross-Registration in Other Graduate Schools at Columbia or at NYU Law
19.1: Cross-Registration
Section 20: Courses Previously Taken at U.S. Law Schools
20.1: Courses Previously Taken at U.S. Law Schools
Section 21: Courses at CLS with the Same Law School Course Number
21.1: Law School courses with the same course number
Section 22: Executive LL.M. Courses
22.1: Executive LL.M. Courses
Section 23: Email Communications
23.1: Email Communications
Section 24: Academic Rules, Policies, and Procedures
24.1: Academic Rules, Policies, and Procedures
Section 25: General Regulations
25.1: Students
25.2: Academic Discipline
25.3: Class Attendance and Preparation
25.4: Demeanor
25.5: Registration for Student Organizations
Section 26: Supplement: Rules Regarding Written Work
Section 27: Executive LL.M. Program Degree Requirements
27.1: Degree Requirements
Section 28: Degree Conferral Dates
28.1: Degree Conferral Dates
28.2: Postponement of Degree Conferral
Section 29: Residency Requirement and Points of Academic Credit Limits Per Term
29.1: Residency Requirement
29.2: Postponement of Summer Residency
29.3: Cross-Registration
Section 30: Withdrawal and Leave of Absence
30.1: Withdrawal and Leave of Absence
Section 31: Registration for Courses and Add/Drop Periods
31.1: Registration and Add/Drop
Section 32: Supervised Research
32.1: Supervised Research
32.2: Stages of Supervised Research
32.3 Supervised Research: Course Related
Section 33: Research Assistant
33.1: Research Assistant
Section 34: Executive LL.M. Grading and Academic Honors
34.1: Grading
34.2: Academic Honors
Section 35: Email Communications
35.1: Email Communications
Section 36: Academic Rules, Policies, and Procedures
36.1: Academic Rules, Policies, and Procedures
Section 37: General Regulations
37.1: Students
37.2: Academic Discipline
37.3: Class Attendance and Preparation
37.4: Demeanor
37.5: Registration of Student Organizations
Section 38: Supplement: Rules Regarding Written Work
Section 39. Academic Requirements for Fulfilling the Degree
39.1: Degree Requirements
Section 40: Degree Awarded
40.1: Degree Awarded
Section 41: Co-Authored Works
41.1: Co-Authored Works
Section 42: Termination
42.1: Termination
Section 43: Email Communications
43.1: Email Communications
Section 44: Academic Rules, Policies and Procedures
44.1: Academic Rules, Policies, and Procedures
Section 45: General Regulations
45.1: Students
45.2: Academic Discipline
45.3 Class Attendance and Preparation
45.4 Demeanor
45.5 Registration of Student Organizations