New Courses, Clinics, and Externships Debut at Columbia Law School

New York, August 4, 2014—Foundational courses are a fact of life for first-year law students, but after tackling required subjects like civil procedure, contracts, and torts, future lawyers at Columbia Law School can choose from curricular offerings designed to help connect the practice of law to the world’s most pressing problems.

This fall, students will have the chance to examine and compare the legal systems of China and India, represent undocumented immigrants detained across the Hudson River, bone up on the intricacies of European tax law, and help clients in pro bono copyright cases.
These and other innovative courses emphasize experiential learning, the interdisciplinary nature of law, and comparative and international legal systems.
Here’s a quick peek at just a few new fall offerings:
Taught by: Professor Benjamin L. Liebman, Visiting Professor Sudhir Krishnaswamy, and Visiting Professor Stéphanie Balme
Objective: To develop an empirical approach to understanding contemporary legal problems in India and China
Taught by: Associate Clinical Professor of Law Elora Mukherjee
Objective: An intensive learning and working environment that offers students an opportunity to develop lawyering and advocacy skills in the context of both direct client representation and cutting edge projects related to immigration reform
Taught by: Wolfgang Schön
Objective: Understanding the delineation between tax sovereignty of European Member States and the overarching framework of the European Treaties
Objective: To understand the policy and doctrine of copyright law and to effectively handle the various tasks that arise in seeking to resolve copyright disputes

See a complete list of new courses for 2014-2015.