New Columbia Law Review Administrative Board Named

Press contact:
James O’Neill
212-854-1584 Cell: 646-596-2935
February 26, 2008 (NEW YORK) – The Columbia Law Review has announced its new administrative board for the 2008-09 academic year.
The new Editor-in-Chief will be Julius Chen ’09 of Valencia, CA and a Princeton University graduate. The Executive Articles editor will be Matthew Gurgel ’09 of Chatham, NJ and a Harvard University graduate. Karen Lin ’09 will be the Executive managing Editor. Lin, from Avon, CT, is also a Princeton graduate.
The Columbia Law Review is one of the world's leading publications of legal scholarship. Founded in 1901, the Review is an independent nonprofit corporation that produces a law journal edited and published entirely by students at Columbia Law School. It is one of a handful of student-edited law journals in the nation that publish eight issues a year. The Review is the third most widely distributed and cited law review in the country. It receives about 1,500 submissions a year and selects approximately 20-25 manuscripts for publication annually.
The Columbia Law Review publishes articles and book reviews of scholarly and professional interest by academic authors and practicing attorneys, as well as Notes written by members of the Review. Staff members are selected in four ways: solely on the basis of the first-year writing competition; based on a combination of writing competition score and grades; based on a combination of writing competition score, grades, and a personal statement; or through participation in the Publishable Notes Program held during the fall semester of the second year.
In addition to writing a Note, staff members bear major responsibility for substantive and technical accuracy of the Review's eight issues. Third-year students are responsible for selecting material for the issues and editing content.
The students who will round out the new administrative board include:
Daniella Lichtman ’09 of West Orange, NJ, a Barnard College graduate, will be Executive Essay & Review Editor. Jessie Cheng ’09, from Armonk, NY, a Yale University graduate, will be the Executive Notes Editor. Jason Vitullo ’09 of Glenville, NY, a University of Pennsylvania graduate, will be Executive Online Editor.
The Articles Editors will be David Abramowicz ’09, Benjamin Beaton ’09, Shira Kieval ’09, Christopher Muller ’09, Emily Rossi ’09 and Robert Weinstock ’09.
The Managing Editors will be Sameer Bajaj ’09, Kara Maguire ’09, Brandon Mason ’09 and Bryan McArdle ’09. The Notes Editors will be Michael Cabin ’09, John Koerner ’09, Kabir Masson ’09 and Amy McCamphill ’09.
The Essay & Review Editors will be Andrew Brantingham’09, Emily Bussigel ’09 and Thane Rehn ’09. The Online Editors will be Alora Thomas ’09 and Emily Weiss ’09.
For more information and a link to the current issue of the Law Review, click here.
Columbia Law School, founded in 1858, stands at the forefront of legal education and of the law in a global society. Columbia Law School joins traditional strengths in international and comparative law, constitutional law, administrative law, business law and human rights law with pioneering work in the areas of intellectual property, digital technology, sexuality and gender, and criminal law.