Annual Myra Bradwell Dinner 2009
Susan B. Lindenauer '64 Took the Road Less Traveled by Tells the Columbia Law Women's Association about the Trip

Columbia Law School alumna Susan B. Lindenauer, one of 11 women in the Class of 1964, began her keynote address at the annual Myra Bradwell Dinner with the verse of Robert Frost: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –/I took the one less traveled by,/And that has made all the difference.”
That theme underscored the talk by Lindenauer, a vice president of the New York State Bar Association and the retired general counsel of The Legal Aid Society of New York City. She discussed the progress of women lawyers and the challenges they face today, and the obligation of women lawyers to mentor and assist other women.
Former Dean Lance Liebman recounted the experience of taking on greater responsibility for his children, then ages three and five, while his wife, Professor Carol Liebman, went back to school to earn a law degree. He also recalled the transition in the views of his predecessors at the Law School, who had first refused with great umbrage to admit women.
It would have been perhaps impossible for Myra Bradwell or the pioneering women of Columbia Law School to have imagined such a dinner, let alone participant Justin Steil ’10.