Peter Grossi, who joined Arnold & Porter in 1974, is a senior litigator and former chair of the firm’s Litigation Group. For more than 25 years, he has defended pharmaceutical companies, including for 12 years as national and chief trial counsel for Wyeth in its diet drug litigations. He obtained the first defense verdict in a diet drug jury trial, and thereafter tried many more cases to successful conclusions. Chambers USA has named him the "senior statesman" of the American products liability bar.
Grossi also teaches product liability courses at Harvard University, Yale University and University of Pennsylvania law schools and has lectured on various trial practice and product liability issues to national meetings of the Defense Research Institute, the AEI-Brookings Judicial Education Program and the ABA Section on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Prior to joining Arnold & Porter, Grossi clerked for Judge J. Joseph Smith on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.
J.D. Yale Law School 1973
M.A. 1969
B.A. 1969