Deadlines and Events

Please take note of the important dates outlined below to ensure a smooth and successful graduation experience. Additionally, the information on this website may include links to other websites or content provided by third parties. We recommend checking regularly, as updates may occur.


Thank you for your attention, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

Questions? Email [email protected].

February 13
JG 104 with JG 106 as the overflow room
12:10 - 1:10 pm
Graduation Information Session

Come hear from various offices at Columbia about graduation requirements and post-graduation benefits. Find out how to get your Law School Grad Regalia, Class Day Tickets, and, University Commencement Tickets. Want to be the class speaker? Your Grad Co-chairs will let you know how!

February 13 - 27
Interested Graduation Speakers (JD and LLM) can submit a 90-second video. The deadline is on 2/27 at noon. Please submit all videos to: [email protected] with the subject line: "GRAD SPEAKER VIDEO SUBMISSION".

February 19 - April 2nd
Eligible graduates will receive an email with instructions to complete the Tassel Form. If you wish to order your free rental regalia, you can do so at the bookstore starting on the Graduation Fair, which begins on February 18.

Failure to complete the form may prevent you from ordering graduation regalia during the Graduation Fair at the bookstore (from 2/18 to 4/2, the last day to order rental regalia) and could result in a late fee. The fees are as follows: a Doctoral Gown of $78, a Doctoral Hood of $40, and a Late Fee of $40.

February 18 - 21
Only for students who completed their Tassel Form on or before February 16th. 
Graduation Fair at the Bookstore, 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., University Bookstore, Lerner Hall. Cap and gown fitting/ordering and graduation vendors (rings, announcements, diploma frames, etc.). If you are unable to go to the bookstore, please email your information on or before April 2nd. The bookstore will NOT accept your measurements if you did NOT complete your Tassel form.

March 1st
Deadline: Completion of pro bono service requirement (JDs Only). Please see the Pro Bono Program and the FAQs for details. Failure to comply prohibits you from getting your Columbia Law School Class Day Tickets. For further questions, contact, Estelle Mitchell at [email protected].

March 1st – 31st
Application periods for the July administration of the NY State Uniform Bar Examination. Make sure to submit your application during this period; New York does not accept late applications.

March 3rd – 5th
JD and LLM Graduation Speaker 1st round voting ends at 4 pm on March 5th. Ballots will be sent out via SurveyMonkey.

March 3rd - March 7th
Graduation Marshal Applications are due no later than 3 pm on March 7th. SIGN UP HERE if you are interested.

March 3rd -  March 7th
The Willis L.M. Reese Prize for Excellence in Teaching voting. The prize is awarded annually at graduation by the graduating class to a professor who exemplifies excellence in teaching at Columbia Law School. Voting ends at 3 pm on March 7th. Ballots will be sent out via SurveyMonkey.

March 6th – 7th
JD and LLM Graduation Speakers Runoff, voting ends at 3 pm on March 7th. Ballots will be sent out via SurveyMonkey.

March 15
Deadline: Bar Housing Application. For residents registered for the New York State Bar Exam.

March 25th – 27th
Portrait shots with GradImages, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. at the Student Services Lounge. No appointment is needed. You only pay when you would like to purchase the photo. Graduation regalia and hood will be provided.

March 28th
Deadline (JDs only): Please provide your graduation employment information in Symplicity. Failure to comply prohibits you from getting your Columbia Law School Class Day Tickets. Questions? [email protected].

March 31st
Deadline: Filing applications to take the July bar exam in New York State and in most states. 

April 1
Deadline: Submission of the final draft of the J.D. Major Writing Credit paper, and for all Fall 2024 outstanding written work for J.D. and LL.M. degree candidates (unless the instructor specifies an earlier due date).

April 2
Deadline: Please complete the Tassel Form and once competed you can order their cap and regalia at the bookstore. Failure to order by this date will delay your regalia and may result in a fee.

April 19
Graduation Gala at the Cipriani on 42nd Street organized by Grad Co-Chairs.

Columbia Law School Class Day Tickets (May 18th): Students will have six (6) tickets for Class Day with a chance of requesting additional tickets beginning TBD.

University Commencement Tickets (May 21st): Students will have two (2) tickets for the University Commencement. Students will not be able to request additional tickets for the University Commencement.

April 28
For students who ordered their regalia on or before April 2. 
Rental gown distribution to students begins and continues through the morning of Law School Graduation. The gowns are to be picked up at the Columbia Bookstore. 

April 30
Last Day of Spring 2024 classes. 

May 1st
Deadline: to submit all outstanding Spring 2025 written work for May 2025 JD and LL.M. Degree candidates (unless the instructor specifies an earlier due date). Last day to file the final copy of LL.M.  Essay with the Office of Graduate Degree Programs.

Deadline: LLMs taking the July 2025 bar examination must submit the Law School Certificate of Attendance form to Registration Services. JDs taking the exam do not need to do this because NYS BOLE will communicate directly with Registration Services.

May 5th
Decision Deadline: NY Bar housing decisions sent via email by Columbia Residential.

May 15th
Deadline: Sign Extension Agreement for students who are taking the NY Bar exam.

May 18th
Columbia Law School Class Day. Find more details.

May 19th                            
The date by which all grades for May 2025 degree candidates must be recorded in Lawnet to allow graduation clearance by the close of business on Monday, May 19th. 

May 30
Deadline: Last day to return rental regalia to the Columbia Bookstore. The cap is yours to keep.

 July 31  
Lawnet and Law School network accounts and printers remain accessible through July 31.

July 31
Move-Out Date for students who stayed in Columbia Housing and took the NY Bar exam only.

August 14
Insurance current plan year ends.