Columbia offers merit-based financial assistance to some Executive LL.M. and LL.M. candidates in the form of grants and institutional loans. These awards typically only cover a portion of the cost of tuition and fees, allowing us to provide some form of assistance to a greater number of students.
We expect applicants to share in the cost of the LL.M. Program and actively seek other sources of funding for their studies throughout the application process.
To apply for financial aid, you must complete the financial aid statement of the application that responds to one of the prompts and supports your candidacy for a merit-based award. You are encouraged to include reference to any of our named fellowships and scholarships for which you would like to be considered.
Types of Financial Aid
Columbia Law School Grants
These awards include our general Merit Aid Grant and named scholarships and fellowships, such as the Human Rights Fellowship, Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship, and Appel Fellowship (see full list below). They require no repayment. Some allow you to study in any area you desire while at Columbia, while others do expect the focus in the area of law to which the Scholarship or Fellowship pertains. Please review the list closely before requesting to be considered for a named award.
Columbia Law School also awards institutional loans which require full repayment with interest. Applicants are considered for loans at the same time as they are considered for grants.
There are private loan programs available for international students and U.S. citizens and permanent residents may also apply for U.S. Federal Loan programs.
External Sources of Funding
Many students locate sources of funding on their own, typically through their home countries.
More on Financial Aid
Applicants who complete both the Executive LL.M. and LL.M. Program application and the merit aid statement will be automatically considered for all fellowships described below. Please note: No separate application is required.
The Appel Fellowship on the Regulation of the Multinational Enterprise
The Appel Fellowship was established in 2001 by Mark Appel. It awards an annual prize to one or more LL.M. degree candidates who intend to focus their research on regulatory or policy issues emerging from the transboundary operations of multinational or transnational enterprises. The fellow is expected to participate in relevant coursework including those on issues relating to corporate governance, labor issues, environmental concerns, or human rights.
Baker & McKenzie Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2015, the endowed scholarship supports a Columbia Law School LL.M. student who demonstrates academic success.
Behringer Family JAG Scholarship
The Behringer Family JAG Scholarship was established in 2025 to provide scholarship support to an outstanding student who participates in the Judge Advocate General (“JAG”) Scholars program.
Burton Memorial Fellowship
This annual fellowship was established in 1968 by friends of the late Robert J. Burton Law ’37, who was president of Broadcast Music, Inc. It provides a stipend to graduate students for study and research on copyright or other laws affecting music, art, and literature; other products of the mind; or laws affecting communications.
Charles B. Bretzfelder Constitutional Law Scholarship Fund
Established in 1980 by Helen Bretzfelder in memory of her father, Charles B. Bretzfelder, this scholarship fund is for J.D. candidates and graduate students specializing in or doing exceptional work in constitutional law.
Charles B. Bretzfelder International Law Scholarship Fund
Established in 1980 by Helen Bretzfelder in memory of her father, Charles B. Bretzfelder, this scholarship fund is for J.D. candidates and graduate students specializing in or doing exceptional work in international law.
Catherine M. Karatzas '88 Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Catherine M. Karatzas ’88 in honor of her 35th reunion. This scholarship supports LL.M. students who have lived, worked or studied Greece.
Catherine N. Niarchos Human Rights LL.M. Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2015 by Mary Anne Niarchos in memory of her sister, Catherine N. Niarchos ’94 LL.M. The scholarship supports LL.M. students who have experience in international human rights and a demonstrated commitment to a career in the field.
Chamberlain Fellowship in Legislation
This fellowship was established in 1953 by Thomas I. Parkinson in honor of Joseph Perkins Chamberlain Ph.D. ’23, LAW ’29, a member of the Faculty of Law from 1927 to 1950 and director of the Legislative Drafting Research Fund from 1919 to 1951. This fellowship is awarded to a student intending to study the development of law.
Eric M. Rosof Scholarship
Established by Eric Rosof ’97 and made possible through a generous match from the Jerome L. Greene Foundation. This scholarship supports LL.M. students, with a preference for those who demonstrate a commitment in pursuing a career in public interest.
Eugene and Barbara Rostov Scholarship
Established by Eugene Rostov ’64 and made possible through a generous match from the Jerome L. Greene Foundation. This scholarship supports LL.M. students, with a preference for students who have lived, worked or studied in Latin America.
Fubon Fellowship Fund
This fund was established in 2005 by Fubon Financial to provide fellowships to LL.M. students.
Human Rights Fellowship
The Jack J.T. Huang Scholarship
Established in 2007 by Jack J.T. Huang Esq., the scholarship provides financial aid to LL.M. students.
Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship
Columbia Law School’s Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship supports graduate students specializing in international trade, trade law, public interest, and human rights. The Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship—established by the Indian government—provides partial to full funding for up to three fellows per academic year. The Law School as well as other divisions of Columbia University offers specialized seminars in international trade law and related topics.
Joseph V. Heffernan Fellowship
This fellowship was established in 1980 by Marion and Joseph V. Heffernan ’35. Only students enrolled in the LL.M. Program are eligible.
The Judith R. and Michael E. Thoyer Scholarship
Established in 2008 by Judith Reinhardt Thoyer ’65 and Michael E. Thoyer '63 LL.M., the Thoyer Scholarship provides financial assistance to LL.M. students who have outstanding academic credentials and demonstrated financial need.
Jun He Scholarship
The Jun He Scholarship was established by a group of Columbia Law School alumni at Jun He LLP for students who plan to study commercial affairs, including dispute resolution, and have lived, worked or studied in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Hong Kong or Macau.
Lawrence A. Wien Prize and Fellowship in Corporate Social Responsibility
Established in 1981 by Lawrence A. Wien ’27, the Wien Program is jointly administered by the School of Law and Columbia Business School. The program awards an annual prize to recognize corporations, professional associations, nonprofit organizations, or educational institutions that contribute to the well-being of society at the national or local level through enlightened philanthropic policies. Contributions must be sustained over time and expressed both by financial generosity and non-material support patterns, which include long-range planning and evaluation of philanthropic endeavors, innovative approaches to corporate giving, and the encouragement of participation by employees and other organizations.
Several fellowships, named each year in honor of the recipient of the Wien Prize, are provided annually to outstanding law and business students whose scholarly and professional activities demonstrate their involvement in questions of the responsibility of business to social concerns such as the arts, energy and the environment, and social services.
Morris Fellowship
Established in 1924 by Newbold Morris 1891 in memory of his father, Augustus Newbold Morris CC 1860, LAW 1864, the fellowship is awarded to a student of public or private law who may be a candidate for the J.S.D. degree.
The Norman E. Alexander Scholarship
The Norman E. Alexander Scholarship was established in 2008 by a bequest of Norman E. Alexander ’36. The Alexander Scholarship is awarded each year to Columbia Law School students with outstanding credentials.
Raymond J. Baer Scholarship
Established in 2016 by Raymond J. Baer ’86 LL.M., the scholarship provides financial support for candidates for the LL.M. degree who have demonstrated strong academic credentials and potential for contribution in their areas of interest.
The Smith Family Opportunity Scholarship
Established in 2004 by Kathy Surace-Smith ’84 and Bradford L. Smith ’84, the scholarship is awarded annually to J.D. and LL.M. students.
W. Bayard Cutting Jr. Fellowship
This fellowship was established in 1912 by W. Bayard Cutting 1871 in memory of his son, W. Bayard Cutting Jr. ’04, to support study in the field of international law.
Wolfgang G. Friedmann Memorial Fellowship
This fellowship was established in 1976 by friends and colleagues in memory of Wolfgang G. Friedmann, Professor of International Law and Director of International Legal Research at Columbia. The fellowship is awarded for the study of international law at Columbia, or to law school graduates for study abroad at institutions stressing transnational law.
Columbia Law School has three types of loan programs for incoming LL.M. students:
- Columbia Law School Loans
- U.S. Federal Loan Programs (for U.S. citizens and permanent residents only)
- Private Loan Programs
To learn more about any of these loan options, visit the Law School Financial Aid Office’s website or contact the office at [email protected] or 212-854-7730.
Note about loan fees: For students borrowing federal student loans, the average educational loan fees for borrowers at Columbia Law School will automatically be added to the cost of attendance at the time of loan certification.
While Columbia Law School has a robust financial aid program to support LL.M. candidates, it cannot meet the financial needs of all students. In line with our cost-sharing philosophy regarding financial aid, prospective applicants should seek other sources of funding as early as possible.
Do both Executive LL.M. and LL.M. students receive financial aid?
Yes. Columbia Law School has a robust financial aid program to support both Executive LL.M. and LL.M. candidates. We also have resources for fellowships and scholarships.
How do I apply for financial aid?
Please select yes to the question "Do you wish you be considered for financial aid?" and complete the required merit statement.
I am an international student. Am I still eligible for financial aid through Columbia Law School?
Yes. The financial aid application process is the same for all students.
Does the fact that I am applying for financial aid affect my chances for admission?
No. All admission decisions are made separately from financial aid decisions.
I will need financial aid in order to study at Columbia Law School. Can I count on the Law School’s financial support if I am admitted?
No. Because our financial aid funds are limited, applicants who will require financial assistance to attend Columbia Law School should also seek assistance from other sources. Awards are generally in the form of partial waivers of tuition and, in some cases, loans. Full waivers of tuition are almost never granted.
I just received a scholarship from an outside funding agency. Do I need to notify the Office of Graduate Degree Programs?
Yes. You must notify us of any funds you know you will be receiving or you anticipate receiving for your studies at Columbia. If your total funding including outside awards exceeds the cost of attendance, we reserve the right to reduce our award. If you are awarded an outside scholarship after submitting your application for financial assistance, you must notify us within seven days of receiving the award.