Exams and Grading

The Office of the Registrar oversees the administration of Law School examinations and the grading process.

This section includes the most up-to-date information regarding exams. You can also find information on how to access exams and how grading works at Columbia Law School.

Exam Software

Exam4 is the exam software used to administer all proctored (in-class) and remote Law School exams. The Exam4 system is a secure environment for exam administration and is widely used by law schools and bar examiners.

Exam4 webinar

Students taking a Law School examination are expected to take an examination at the scheduled date and start time. Failure to do so will result in a grade of Failure (F). Examination rules apply to all students taking a Law course, regardless of degree program. If you are unable to take an examination at the proper time, please email Registration Services at: [email protected]. NOTE: If you start an exam late, you will not receive compensatory time.

Any excuse granted on grounds of illness or other physical disability is conditioned upon receiving a satisfactory medical note from the attending physician.

If you self-identify with the Office of Disability Services (ODS) and are granted special examination conditions, ODS will send confirmation of your exam accommodations to Registration Services. Shortly before the exam period Registration Services will email you with information about your exam accommodations. 

ANONYMOUS GRADING OF EXAMS: Final exams administered by Registration Services are graded anonymously. Therefore, students are NOT permitted to write their name on any page of an exam, and must NOT contact the instructor directly about an exam before final grades for the course are posted. If you experience any difficulty before or during an exam, you should notify Registration Services [email protected]Do not contact the instructor about an exam at any time before the final course grades are posted.

Once the instructor submits the final exam grade to Registration Services, they can adjust the final course grade to factor in class performance or other work. The final course grade then is submitted to Registration Services and subsequently released to the student via LawNet. If you would like to discuss your exam with the instructor, you may do so only after your final course grade has been posted in LawNet.

To access your grades through LawNet, go to www.law.columbia.edu/lawnet. You will need a user ID and a password, which will be given to you during the computer training sessions sponsored by the Law School’s Department of Information Technology (IT) during orientation or early in the term. These sessions can also be completed online. For assistance with LawNet, contact the Information Technology helpdesk at [email protected].

To obtain access to the University’s many student services, including the grades on your official University transcript, you must set up your University network account by visiting the Columbia University Information Technology (CUIT) website at www.columbia.edu/cuit. For new students, additional information is provided during the mandatory IT computer training sessions.

Columbia Law School does not rank its students and does not publish GPAs.