Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a work authorization that permits international students with F-1 visa status the opportunity to gain practical experience and training by working off campus in a job in their field of study during the fall and spring semesters and summer.
Detailed information about F-1 student CPT eligibility and how to apply can be found via the Columbia ISSO website.
Columbia ISSO may be contacted via Zoom, email at [email protected], or phone: 212-854-3587 (recorded message).
J.D. F-1 visa holders seeking CPT certification must do the following:
To apply and be certified for CPT, please submit these three documents via the Qualtrics CPT Request form.
a. F-1 CPT Request Form (Please leave Part 3 blank)
C. Supervised Essay on Legal Practice Registration Form (L6883 - Section 3)
Please allow our office 3 business days for processing.
Students must complete the F-1 CPT Request Form and receive authorization for CPT from the ISSO before the start of summer employment, and by not later than June 30. Students cannot begin work before receiving work authorization from the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO).
Please leave Part 3 blank for Registration Services to complete.
JD students in residence will need to obtain a CPT Employer Letter.
The CPT Employer Letter should include the following on official letterhead:
- the dates of the employment (the start and end date)
- the number of hours per week the student will work
- the location of employment
- a brief description of duties
In the fall and spring semesters: the minimum length of employment is 6 weeks for at least 15 hours per week.
In the summer: the minimum length of employment is 3 weeks for at least 30 hours per week.
Write a one-credit paper
Each student must secure a Law School faculty member who will agree to supervise the student for a one-credit paper registered as Supervised Essay on Legal Practice (L6883 - Section 3) for the summer and Supervised Essay on Legal Practice (L6883 - Section 4) for the fall and spring semesters. The work must be a scholarly paper on a topic approved by a faculty supervisor and related to legal issues encountered in the student’s employment. The paper must consist entirely of original work not submitted to the employer, and should be of length and scope comparable to one-half of that required by a two-credit seminar. The paper should be 3,500 to 4,000 words. For registration please submit the form below.
JD Supervised Essay on Legal Practice
All documents must be uploaded through Compass, the ISSO portal, no fewer than 10 business days prior to the start of employment.
- Supervised Essay on Legal Practice (L6683-Section 3 and Section 4) is subject to the usual maximum of 3 credits in a term and 4 credits in an academic year that may be earned as part of the 19-credit non-class points allowed for J.D. credit (see J.D. Rules 1.1 and 1.5).
- Supervised Essay on Legal Practice (L6683-Section 3 and Section 4) will be graded only on a Pass/Low Pass/No Credit basis (not by letter grade).
- For Fall and Spring semester employment the paper must be submitted by the end of the semester during which the credit is being earned.
- No extensions are permitted for Supervised Essay on Legal Practice (L6683-Section 3 and Section 4) undertaken as part of CPT.
What is CPT?
Curricular Practical Training is a work authorization that permits international students with F-1 visa status the opportunity to gain practical experience and training by working off campus in a job in their field of study during the fall and spring semesters and summer.
Can my academic advisor sign my CPT form?
No, only Registration Services can sign your CPT request form.
Do I have to apply for CPT while receiving Columbia Summer Funding?
Yes, eligible students can use their summer internship under the Columbia Summer Funding program for CPT.
Can my Supervised Essay on Legal Practice paper required for CPT be used to satisfy my Minor or Major writing credit requirement?
Yes, as long as you do sufficient additional work to be worthy of the necessary credits as described in Rule 1.4 Legal Writing Requirements - Major and Minor Writing Requirement.
Do I need to apply for CPT if I am a paid research assistant working on campus?
No, CPT is only used for off-campus employment.
Do I have to apply for CPT when doing an unpaid internship?
Yes, you will need to apply for CPT when doing an off-campus internship, even if your internship is unpaid.
When do I need to register for the one-credit Supervised Essay on Legal Practice required for my CPT?
For the summer, our office will register you during the fall semester following the summer employment. Please submit the Supervised Essay on Legal Practice form when submitting the Qualtrics CPT form.
For the fall and spring (in-semester registration), our office will register you during the add/drop period.
When should I submit my F-1 CPT request form to ISSO?
You should plan to submit your F-1 CPT request form along with your required documents for processing no fewer than 10 business days prior to the start of your employment.
Can my CPT request be back-dated?
No it cannot. Forms need to be submitted, certified, and approved before the start of employment.