Sports and the Law

Course Information

Course Number
Curriculum Level
Areas of Study
Civil Procedure, Litigation, and Dispute Resolution, Commercial Law and Transactions, Constitutional Law, Gender and Sexuality Law, Labor and Employment Law

Section 001 Information


Section Description

Sports and the Law will examine how the law applies to the unique relationships in the sports industry and the way in which the substantive law of corporations and associations, intellectual property, antitrust and labor have shaped and been shaped by the relationships among athletes, teams, leagues and other sports industry participants. We will pay particular attention to corporate governance, including how leagues are structured and the evolving role of the Commissioner; the role of agents; discrimination in sports; sports betting for professional and college sports; the applicability of the antitrust and labor laws, including television deals, team relocations, salary caps and age restrictions; the evolving rights of athletes, teams and leagues to their names, images and likenesses, copyrights and trademarks; and the evolving affects of IP, antitrust and employment law on college athletes. .

Classes will begin with a discussion of current sports legal and business developments in the news. We anticipate several guest lecturers from professional sports leagues and teams. Class participation is encouraged and rewarded

School Year & Semester
Fall 2023
WJWH 207
Class meets on
  • Monday
6:20 pm - 8:10 pm
Method of Evaluation
J.D Writing Credit?

Learning Outcomes

  • At the end of the course, students will have acquired understanding of a specific body of law, including major policy concerns
  • At the end of the course, students will have acquired facility in doctrinal analysis, including close reading of cases and precedents, statutes and application to facts
  • At the end of the course, students will have acquired facility in statutory and regulatory analysis, including close reading of statutes and regulations, and application to facts
  • At the end of the course, students will have acquired facility in jurisprudential considerations in legal analysis
  • At the end of the course, students will have acquired facility in the historical development of law and legal institutions in the sports industry
  • At the end of the course, students will have acquired facility in the applicability of different bodies of law to the sports industry.
  • At the end of the course, students will have acquired facility in which legal constructs and doctrines are involved in given sports settings
  • At the end of the course, students will have acquired facility in how to analyze the legal issues that affect the operation of sports teams and leagues, particularly at the professional, NCAA and Olympic levels.
  • At the end of the Course, students will have acquired facility in how to read and comprehend documents unique to sports law, including league constitutions, by-laws and collective bargaining agreements, player contracts and representation agreements.
  • By the end of the course, students will have acquired an understanding of the legal and business issues concerning intellectual property rights, antitrust law, corporate governance and labor law as each affects the sports industry.

Course Limitations

Instructor Pre-requisites
Instructor Co-Requisites
Requires Permission
Recommended Courses
Antitrust and Trade Regulation Corporations but not required
Other Limitations