Meet the PI/PS Office Team

Click on the profile of any staff member below for more information. All career counseling appointments with PI/PS Office advisers can made through Symplicity or email. Please email general inquiries.

PIPS Office 2024

Erica Smock has been the dean for the Office of Public Interest/Public Service Law and Careers at Columbia Law School since 2017.

Office Location: William and June Warren 807.1

Area of counseling expertise: Berger Fellows Program

Office Location: William and June Warren 804

Molly received a B.A. with honors from Macalester College and a J.D. from NYU School of Law. Molly is admitted to practice in New York.

Area of counseling expertise: public defense

William and June Warren 805

Area of counseling expertise: government
Office Location: William and June Warren 807

Area of counseling expertise: human rights and public international law

Office Location: William and June Warren 805

Area of counseling expertise: 1Ls, 3Ls, graduates, LL.M.s, financing a public interest career, civil rights law firms, and transitioning between sectors

Office Location: William and June Warren 806

Office Location: William and June Warren 809

Area of counseling expertise: public interest, employment and housing, civil rights, nonprofit management, and mediation

Office Location: William and June Warren 804

Area of expertise: Berger Fellows Program

Office Location: William and June Warren 800

Areas of expertise: Columbia postgraduate fellowships, on-campus interview programs, and all office communications

Office Location: William and June Warren 800

Office Location: William and June Warren 806.1

Areas of expertise: PI/PS Office events and the Columbia Public Interest Community

Office Location: William and June Warren 800