Charles Sabel

Charles F. Sabel

  • Maurice T. Moore Professor of Law

Ph.D., Harvard University, 1978
A.B., Harvard University, 1969

Areas of Specialty

Social Organization

Charles F. Sabel is a professor of law and social science at Columbia Law School. Previously, he was Ford International Professor of Social Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His undergraduate degree is in social studies, and his graduate degree is in government, both from Harvard University. His earlier work focused on the crisis of mass production and it­s implications for the regulation of markets and the macroeconomy. His more recent work develops pragmatist ideas into a general conception of democratic experimentalism, with particular attention to regulation, the provision of complex social services, and contracting under uncertainty. Sabel’s current projects include the elaboration of experimentalist or incremental solutions to apparently global problems such as trade and climate change; an investigation of the current transformation of U.S. administrative law in the face of uncertainty; and new models of economic development emerging with the spread of advanced techniques of “industrial” production to all sectors of the economy in the context of globalization.


Publications, 2018–2025

All PublicationsSSRN


Contributor, Charles F. Sabel (2023). In Jaime Martin, The Meddlers: Sovereignty, Empire, and the Birth of Global Economic Governance Panel. Heyman Center for the Humanities.